Challenge #7

Who’s your daimon, baby?

The Ancient Romans believed that each of us agreed to our lives before we were born. As our spirit joined our physical body in utero, we completely forgot the agreement we had made.

Enter the daimon.

We each have one, and its role is to nudge us towards our agreement. Towards being fully ourselves. It wants only for us to be fully realized. It’s always there, nudging you onto the right path.

This concept shows up in other belief systems too. For example, Kabbalists believe each blade of grass has an angel encouraging it, crying out “grow!”

Today, play with the idea of having a daimon or angel in your life who only wants to support you, encourage you, help you BE you and is ALWAYS there, always loving you. How would this change your relationship to your creativity?

(If this is incompatible with your spiritual beliefs or atheism, can you instead imagine the ideal recipient of your creativity? The perfect person to share yourself with? Kurt Vonnegut used to say he wrote everything for his sister, who had died before he was publishing, because she was his perfect audience.)

You might also enjoy this TedX talk by Elizabeth Gilbert, where she talks about how the concept of a daimon helped her continue writing after the mega-success of Eat, Pray, Love.


What do you think? Like the idea of a daimon? Hate it? Let me know at


More soon,