Challenge #5

One day, when my son was about 2 months old, my daughter had a LOT of energy. Actually, she always has a lot of energy. But on this day, I found myself snapping, snarling, barking all day:




“You can’t…”

She’s resilient & held out until just before dinner time. I was nursing the baby, and she took a step towards me then stopped. Her eyes widened & she literally vibrated with the desire to do something and the fear she would be told “NO!” again. And the fear was winning.

Deep breath.

How many of us have this relationship with our imagination? How many of us, when we get an idea for something new (a recipe, a vacation, a painting) immediately shoot it down? How many of us not only reject the idea, but also insult ourselves in the process (“What a stupid idea!”)?

If your imagination was a person, would that person like you?

Today, begin befriending your imagination. Say thanks for ideas, write some of the ideas down, ask questions about ideas you have.

It may take a while. If you call your imagination (“Hey, any ideas in there?”), it probably won’t answer. But wait. It is resilient. It is there. And it wants to play.

More soon,


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