Challenge #2

What tools do you use?

Pencils? Paints? Cameras? Your body? Clothes? Pots & pans?

Today, gift yourself with a few moments with your favorite tool. If it’s a pen, try signing everything with your favorite type of pen today. Write yourself a reminder with that pen.

If it’s your body, lavish yourself with your favorite lotion, wear your favorite undies/shirt/shoes, do your hair in a new way.

Pots and pans? Use a pot you don’t use often. Or, really appreciate the ones you use all the time. Maybe splurge and buy a new spatula, if that’s financially feasible.

Cameras? Can you download a free app? Can you take a picture on your phone using a filter? Can you love color or imagining scenes in black and white?

Computer? Take 5 minutes to do something FUN with your computer. Play with fonts, colors, sound.

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