Challenge #1

Invisible scripts are ideas so deeply held, we rarely stop to think about them critically, yet they guide our decisions about our lives. Many are cultural, others are ones we picked up from family, friends, authority figures, etc.

Today, identify one or two invisible scripts you hold about creativity. Hopefully, we’ll make some progress towards demolishing them as the month progresses. If you think you don’t have any invisible scripts, try to think of a time you were creative. Many of the critiques that show up are actually invisible scripts. I’ve listed some examples here, and I hope you’ll share yours in the comments.


“I have to be able to spell well/have perfect grammar to be a writer.”

“Creative people are crazy/addicted/miserable.”

“Creative people are POOR. Who wants to be poor?”

“I’m not REALLY creative.”

“You have to have connections to succeed in a creative field.”

“You have to have LOTS of free time to be creative.”


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